Plasma Science


Defining Plasma

Plasma is the fourth and final state of matter, following solid, liquid, and gas. Although 99% of all matter in the universe exist in plasma state, plasma does not naturally exist on Earth. This means plasma must be artificially generated to be utilized and maintained under standard surface conditions


High Energy States

Generating plasma involves applying approximately 100,000 c of heat to gas particles.
When this amount of energy is delivered, electrons in the atmosphere accelerate and collide
with other particles to go through ionization, ultimately transitioning
into plasma state where matter is incredibly active and holds significant amounts of energy.





plasma is widely utilized in several industries with applications in the semiconductor, energy, space exploration, and environment industries. Creating new applications of plasma through constant research and innovation. We have expanded the scope of plasma technology from skin care to air purifications, and home appliance.


Revolutionary of Skincare

Plaskin+ is the first commercial instrument of be able to artificially generate plasma through a portable and low power-operated rechargeable battery without the need of a separate gas injection hose.


Benefits of Plasma

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Plasma sterilizes everything from super-bacteria that cause skin troubles to contagious airborne viruses.

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Enhanced Skin Absorption

Plasma enhances delivery of large and beneficial cosmetic substances including vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and peptides.

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Skin Regeneration

Plasma promotes collagen production through activating fibroblasts, refining skin elasticity, texture, tone and wrinkles.


Nature in Devices

Through a clean and natural chemical reaction, plasma purifies wastes, water, and air in the most effective and environmentally friendly manner possible, elimination the rest of creating harmful byproducts and contributing to pollution Plasma Science.